
The New Wave of Software Development

January 6, 2015

Posted by: Grant Owens

The New Wave of Software Development

When we think of tech startups most of us still think of companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Uber--consumer facing platforms that require massive user adoption to work. And often still struggle for profits.

While these startups grew fast, the truth is that for every one of these companies that succeeded there are at least 100 that failed miserably. When it comes to massive user adoption, the odds just aren’t in your favor.

Thankfully here in Nashville and at DevDigital, we’ve seen a different trend. While there are still plenty of “Next Facebooks” out there, many entrepreneurs in the Southeast are focused on creating products that can be sold or licensed for immediate profits. And they usually solve a real need.

Take our friends InvisionHeart, for example. Their portable ECG device will help heart patients and their doctors monitor symptoms so they can catch problems early.

EVVentus is another Nashville startup that is using Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) and beacon technology to monitor in home healthcare personnel. The product will guarantee that home visits are made and save the providers (and patients) money.

We all know Nashville is a healthcare hub, but the wave of software taking over industries extends beyond that. We’ve worked with local construction company BOCA to develop a software that streamlines the whole contracting process. Construction is a notoriously old school industry, but technology and software are beginning to make headway there.

There’s also InstantAd. You’re probably familiar with the regular sales circulars you get in stores or in the mail. InstantAd is a software that creates those circulars in a quick and easy way, saving retailers hours and hundreds of dollars.

And, in one of our most exciting projects, we’re working with a local entrepreneur on a software that will massively affect the prison system. (And that’s all we can say right now!)

The list goes on. These are all projects we’re involved in at DevDigital and there are plenty more where they came from.

The moral of the story is that three years ago, Marc Andreessen got it right. Software is eating the world. Computers and software are no longer the realm of “geeks,” but something that everyone with a smartphone is beginning to understand and find use for.

And thankfully “eyeballs” are not the only measure of success.

It’s going to be an exciting year. Stay tuned and if you’ve got a great idea, we’d love to talk.


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